Sunday, June 29, 2008

Law of Attraction

Another important step in manifesting all your desires is the power of intention. It is important to be the creator of your desires. You need to know what it is that you intend on being, doing, and having. What is it that you want your life to be. How do you want to look and feel. What are your desires for life. Who do you want to spend time with. Get very specific as to what your desires are and really attach your thoughts to being, doing, and having all of them. Don't focus on what you don't want. Focus only on what you do want. Most of us do the opposite of this simple step. Just try writing down all your desires and look at them daily. Start out your day with gratitude and then move on to your desires. Another step for the law of attraction will come tomorrow.

Abundantly Yours,

Lori Meadows

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