Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Step 2 to the 3 Little Questions

Knowing Why you want what you want. There is always a reason why we want what we want. Ask yourself why? If you are after a slimmer body why? What do you think it will mean to you? What type of emotional feelings will you get? All of us have reasons and purpose to all that we do. Think about what you will gain from attaining your wants. Think about what you will lose if you don't get what you desire. We are always moving towards pleasure and away from pain. Make your wants and why's so compelling that not achieving them will equal massive pain. And then make your wants and why's so compelling that achieving them equals extraordinary amounts of pleasure. Just by knowing what and why you want things, goals, careers and relationships can give you unbelievable power.

Remember Clarity is Power! And where attention goes energy flows. Ask yourself quality questions and you receive quality answers.

The reality is our mind is always searching for answers so give it great questions to work on. If you don't direct your mind it will direct you! Be in the business of minding your own mind.

Enjoy Life,

Lori Meadows

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