Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Words To Fuel Your Life

The power of words. Expand your vocabulary and you will expand your life. Think about that. If you replaced some of your frequently used words with words that are emotionally charged you will feel a huge difference in your whole body. For instance we talked about changing I should to I must. With should you have an out, with must you have no where to go but in the direction of your desired outcome. Think about I like you verses I adore you. Big difference huh? As you are speaking and going about your day be consciously aware of the words you are using. If you don't like the way they make you feel then change them. You have the power to choose what words come out of your mouth. Empower your emotionally charged words that make you feel okay to words that make you feel outstanding. And at the same time dis empower your words that make you feel depressed and angry to words that make you feel a little out of sync to challenged. Believe me your whole body will thank you for this shift.

Your assignment is to think about all the words you use most frequently and change them to words that charge you in a more productive and positive way. For example instead of using the word I accomplished my goals or tasks for the day say I crushed it today! I love that! That makes me juiced to get up and do it all over again tomorrow.

Words they have the power to melt your heart, light your fire, and make you step up and be who your creator made you to be. Start having outrageous fun today expanding your vocabulary. Change your words and you can change your life. Remember where attention goes energy flows.

PS. Namaste means " the divine light in me bows and honors the divine light in you." What a great way to say goodbye or good night. Now there's a word change that makes you feel different wouldn't you agree?


Lori Meadows

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