Thursday, December 23, 2010

Perfect Peace Through The Holidays

Can you find your Perfect Peace within yourself during this holiday hustle and bustle? And if you can what would it look like? I'd like to share with you a story I read a few years ago about Perfect Peace. It's not exact but close to what I remember and what I like so much about it is it left me with clarity on Perfect Peace and what it might look like. So I hope you enjoy it.

A King asked his people to paint for him a picture reflecting their thoughts on what Perfect Peace would look like. So one by one they arrived showing him beautiful sunsets, wildflowers, forest scenery and beautiful clouds representing their thoughts on Perfect Peace. And the King admired all their work, but still was not convinced that what he saw really reflected Perfect Peace. He felt something was missing.

Then, finally the very last person to arrive showed the King a painting of a waterfall with a birds nest full of eggs and mother bird in it resting peacefully behind the waterfall. And the King said at last this is it, this is the picture of Perfect Peace.

For just like that bird who found peace and serenity even amongst the loud noise and commotion of water rushing past her. You too can sink within yourself and find your Perfect Peace. It doesn't matter how loud your environment gets. You have the choice to choose your state of mind.

Begin by paying close attention to your breath. Mindfully breathing in and out through you nose and bringing that breath into your belly making it expand on the inhale just like a balloon, and on the exhale pull your belly towards your spine, letting all the air out of the balloon through your nose. Begin with a 4/2 count, inhale for 4, hold for 2, exhale for 4. As you begin mastering that count move up to a 6/3 count. Inhale for 6, hold for 3, exhale for 6. Keep moving up the numbers as you see fit. Soon you will arrive at your Perfect Peace.

Peace be within you this holiday season.

Merry Christmas!

Lori Meadows

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